Empowering minds through restorative therapies.

Eggleston Behavioral Health Services

INTEGRATING WHOLE HEALTH Bringing healing and growth to our client’s served.

Even in the best of circumstances, people are challenged daily. Unexpected situations and unavoidable trauma can cause undue stress and alter state of mind in those you care about. If left untreated, it affects family and community.

By utilizing our services, you not only help heal the emotional pain and suffering that exists in generation after generation, but strengthen cultural perceptions for the future.

WHAT WE DO Provide hope and healing through supportive and collaborative mental health services.

Emotional health is foundational to how we feel, what we say, how we act in response to others, and the way we perceive ourselves. When it’s out of balance, it compromises community well-being.

The behavioral health staff members are committed to helping those with mental health issues identify the root cause and provide the therapeutic services needed to feel whole again.

The reasons behind one’s need for services can include emotional disabilities, learning disabilities, childhood trauma, substance abuse, environmental stress, and more. With our expansive options for treatment, feeling better happens through a compassionate and carefully planned course of action.

EMBRACE GREATER POSSIBILITIES Children and young adults deserve a safe space.

If you were to stare into the eyes of a child who has seen more in her lifetime than most adults could ever imagine, let alone process, how would you begin to heal the past? It starts here and now.

Behavioral Health Treatment Options for Ages 0 to 21

Eggleston Behavioral Health Services (EBHS) is a county contracted, outpatient program providing a community-based approach to behavioral health.  Too many children and young adults in our neighborhoods suffer from chronic and persistent mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, and/or co-occurring substance abuse disorders.  Without the help needed, compromised mental health will continue to escalate with age and, in turn, adversely affect longevity.

Mental illness is prevalent amongst those exposed to violence, ongoing physical or emotional abuse and sexual assault. For some, mental health disorders develop as a preventative measure to what the mind cannot handle. For other children and teens, depression and anxiety are the backlash of symptoms that indicate an overabundance of emotional hardships, without reprieve. The repercussions can seem never-ending.


Participation in any of our behavioral health services requires an initial assessment to better understand the client and recommend the services needed.

Our services can include:

  • Assessment
  • Plan Development
  • Therapy (Individual, Family or Group)
  • Collateral
  • Medication Support Services
  • Intensive Care Coordination
  • Intensive In-Home Support Services
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Targeted Case Management

Treatment modalities include:

  • Parent and Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
  • Managing Adaptive Practices (MAP)
  • Seeking Safety (SS)
  • Individual Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (IND-CBT)
  • Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)
  • Aggression Replacement Therapy (ART)
  • Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

WHO WE REACH At Risk Youth Need Support and Advocacy

The single greatest take away we hope EBHS participants experience is that no matter the challenges, each has the ability to rise above them and realize personal potential.

Through the creation of individualized treatment programs that are trauma informed and culturally sensitive, every child, every teenager, and every young adult can face life circumstances through new perspectives, leading to better decision-making and greater acceptance in themselves and others. And because not all youth come from the same type of household, our programs consider these differences.

We meet each client where they are in their mental health journey and provide the guidance, support and emotional building blocks needed to reduce symptoms and maladaptive behaviors related to their diagnosis to ultimately improve livelihood.

Target Populations Served:

  • Children and Adolescents in biological homes
  • Parents and Caregivers
  • Youth placed in foster homes
  • Youth placed in residential settings
  • School settings (including continuation and non-public schools)

Through our mental health treatment programs, EBHS places a strong focus on family participation utilizing the strengths of both the client and the family or caregiver. This provides added support from the collateral and therapeutic outpatient services we offer.

MENTAL HEALTH, RESPECTED Peace of Mind for You, and Them

“The best way out is always through.”

– Robert Frost

STATISTIC 50% of all chronic mental illness begins by age 14; 75% by age 24.

National Alliance on Mental Illness

When we can quiet the mind, every other aspect of our lives becomes clearer. Mental health is a vital aspect of whole health. To begin the process, contact us today.

Recovery. Put your mind to it.

Help is Waiting 1-800-230-8883

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